Have You Heard About...
Have You Heard About...
Perimenopause with Dr. Carley Akehurst, ND (Judy Blume didn't prepare us for this!)
This episode is quite the departure for the show and was born out of some Instagram stories around perimenopause, when I realized- hey, we all seem pretty uninformed! And more scary - way too many people are tuning into their fave influencers for peri content, which is becoming increasingly monetized.
While I personally got my puberty education from the legend that is Judy Blume and a few school health classes, nothing like this quite exists for perimenopause. While we're starting to get more comfortable with the topic from a cultural standpoint, there's still so much confusion and disinformation on the internet. And with influencers recently jumping on the bandwagon, it's more difficult than ever to separate the snake oil from the science.
Joining me today is Dr. Carley Akehurst, ND, founder and practitioner at Clementine Natural Health in Vancouver. With a keen interest in women's health and evidence, science based care, I ask her all your burning questions from Instagram. From when perimenopause can start and what it commonly and not so commonly looks like, to Menopause Hormone Therapies (HRT/MHT), and how to talk to your doctor in an informed way. Consider this your crash course; the things you wish you knew to gear up for transitioning into perimenopause. Please be responsible and use this information as a tool in your arsenal to be better informed. Medicine is not one size fits all, and you should speak to your own practitioner for specific health concerns. I learned so much, and hope you do too.
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Helpful references and links:
Follow Dr. Carley Akehurst and her clinic, Clementine Natural Health on Instagram
Visit Clementine Natural Health
Find a Certified Menopause practitioner near you through the Menopause Society
The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research