Have You Heard About...
Have You Heard About...
The Big Business of Taylor Swift
Hey... we're back! Kicking off the new season exploring the singular Taylor Swift who is currently the reigning champ of our pop culture zeitgeist, seemingly everywhere all at once (including the NFL!)
Joined by friend of the pod, marketer, and fellow culture enthusiast Patty Connor, we go deep into the Taylorverse. She's generously always giving us something to talk about; the squads, the feuds, the prolific songwriting, and the nearly unmatched work ethic. We cover so much ground including what we think drives her, the communal spirit of her loyal fandom, and her legacy on the music industry and beyond. Oh yeah, and we talk about #87 himself, Travis Kelce. Could he be the perfect assist to her QB persona?
For a more dynamic experience, follow us on Instagram @haveyouheardpodcast where there’s lots of pop culture analysis and behind the scenes highlights of how shows are formed, which you, dear listener, are a part of.
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Helpful references and links / pop culture homework:
Taylor Swift Pre-VMA Squad Strategy (Lainey Gossip)
Olivia Rodrigo Adds Taylor Swift to 'Deja Vu' (Rollingstone)
8 Ways Taylor Swift has Changed the Music Business (Billboard)
What Taylor Swift's Pivot to Streaming Reveals about the Music Industry (The Economist)
Here's Why Taylor Swift is Re-Recording her Old Albums (Time)
The Staggering Economic Impact of Taylor Swift's the Eras Tour (Time)